Thursday, 17 April 2014

Fright Night

When the nurse gave me the shot that night, I knew what was coming next. I already had tears in my eyes. Please not again. I can't go through this again. Maybe this nurse will be different. Maybe.
I opened my eyes. The decorations were already up. I had an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach as my eyes moved around the room. There was blood. Sheets had been hung in between patients beds. Plastic sheets. Torn and dripping blood. Bright red blood. It was everywhere. Giant plastic spiders hung in cotton webs.  It was like the best halloween party you've ever been to.
The drugs had kicked in. I could only see when I had my eyes almost closed. I squinted in the semi-dark hospital ward. From my bed I saw almost every type of monster milling around. Mingling with scantily clad witches and vampires. Dread filled my heart and somehow I knew tonight was going to be worse than last.
I winced as a group of men headed towards me. As they approached, a mixture of smells invaded my nostrils. Sweat, beer, testosterone. They were talking loudly, their speech slurred. Big hands started touching me. I could see it, but felt nothing. I silently screamed as one man pulled down his zipper, cheered on by his comrades. He was standing at the end of the bed, ready. I closed my eyes as hard as I could and screamed. I screamed until I ran out of breath. I screamed until my throat was raw. I screamed until it hurt.
Suddenly lights came on over my bed. Slowly, very slowly I opened my eyes. My nurse was next to me. Dressed in her uniform. I couldn't see the monsters. The witches were gone. Somehow, I realized, the bright lights were preventing me from seeing the truth. Preventing me from seeing the monsters waiting in the dark. In my mind I knew if the nurse tucked me in tightly, the men wouldn't be able to reach me. If I was tucked in, I would be safe. I pleaded with the nurse to tuck in my feet. To tuck the blanket tightly underneath my legs.
The nurse obliged and lightly tucked the thin blue hospital issue blanket under me.
No, I said, Tuck in the blanket tightly. Under both of my feet.
She stood to my left and tightly tucked the blanket under my foot. Then walked to the right side and tucked the blanket in, but it didn't feel as tight. Realization dawned on me. She was in on it. She wanted those men to be able to get to me. She didn't want to tuck the blanket in all the way.
No, no, no. Tuck the blanket in tightly! On BOTH sides. I demanded.
Again, she walked to my left, and tightly tucked the blanket in under my foot. Again, she walked to the right and I couldn't even feel her tucking the blanket.
I was so scared. She didn't understand. I was getting angry. A wave of emotions took over as I yelled at her.
Stand in the middle, and tuck both feet in at the same time!!!!
She stood at the base of the bed, in the middle, and tucked the blanket in. Finally.
She wouldn't look me in the eyes. I didn't understand the distant almost resigned look on her face.
A meek, detached thank you passed grudgingly from my lips as she left. And turned off the lights.
Slowly, blurred shapes started to reappear.

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