Saturday, 6 April 2013

That Perfect Night

All I could think of was how lucky I was. It was a great day and a Perfect night. I had BEGGED my mom to babysit so I could stay out longer. I had been invited to go out with a group of people I see all too rarely, so I was thrilled when my mom agreed.
I felt warm and happy sitting around the table having a singsong in the way only the Irish have perfected. I sang along to the songs I knew. I listened to the people i loved and admired sing beautiful melodies.
When we left the air was cold but it wasn't raining. We were heading to a night club in town. Just a quick train ride away. 
We laughed and joked while walking to the train station. Such a Perfect night, I thought. It could only get better from here.
There was about 15 of us, and we all squeezed into the small space where you buy tickets; excited for the night ahead. 
We were singing songs again. This time louder, a bit off key, and with great enthusiasm.
Then everything was black. Complete darkness. The darkness scared me. Seconds later the pressure came. I couldn't breathe. The dark wasn't so scary anymore. Breathe. Lights were flashing and swirling towards me. The pressure. Oh god the pressure. Breathe. Try to breathe.
Through  the dark and somewhere above the pressure I heard a faint voice call my name. The voice kept saying my name. 
Then there was nothing.
My Perfect night. 


  1. Erin ... Keep writing ... It is the best therapy xx

  2. Agreed. Writing is a great form of therapy. Keep up with it :)

  3. The longest night began with a telephone call at midnight. She was upset told me that her daughter had been in a serious accident and was in A&E at St James. Quickly dressed went to the car not knowing what we would face. First dilemma, tell my daughter now or in the morning. Now, she would never forgive me if I got it wrong. With a heavy heart I told her the news. Went to hospital, waited an eternity, they were worried about her blood pressure, will she live or die? Family and friends waiting waiting. My sister distraught. We watched her pass by toward the Operating Theatre..finding comfort in seeing her at least alive…through the silent corridors of the hospital to the waiting room to wait and wait..she’ll live won’t she. She’s made it this far…every hour helps..will they save her knee? A knee will change the outcome..Outside the robotic voice announced the arrival and departure of the elevator on the first floor. Tea and sandwiches untouched too anxious to eat. Finally Johnny arrives at 6.15am its over and she’s lived..this precious niece I’ve known all her life, mother to Lily…life is changed changed utterly but she’s here with us…then the phone calls can begin to let people know..she’s safe..

    1. So sorry to have put the people I love through so much worry and heartache. I have such an outstanding family to be here for me, no matter the time of day...or night. Truly and utterly grateful and always will be for all of the help my family has given me during all of this. Xx
      (PS - I know it must have been bad if the tea and sandwiches weren't eaten! haha)
